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Chris Walker

Senior Associate Economist

Chris is an experienced economist and writer specialising in public policy analysis and development. As well as being a Senior Consultant Economist at Bradshaw Advisory he is director and co-founder of independent economics consultancy, Chamberlain Walker Economics, serving clients across the public and private sectors.

Previously, Chris spent two years as Head of Housing, Planning and Urban Policy at the think tank Policy Exchange. Here he led a broad programme of work covering housing supply, the planning system, and affordable housing. He authored a number of publications and his work was covered extensively in the media, including by The Economist.

Before Policy Exchange, Chris was a Senior Economic Adviser in the Government Economic Service. His civil service career spanned 12 years across a number of Departments including HM Treasury. At the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG), he directed the affordable housing analytical programme which contributed to a successful £3bn bid in the 2013 Spending Review, as well as the analysis and modelling for the flagship Right to Buy policy.


Matthew Brighty, Consultant Economist


Luke Downham, Senior Consultant