Social disparities in England

Social disparity in England is a complex issue. Pockets of high ethnic diversity and universal credit claims are concentrated in major cities whereas coastal regions and North have low ethnic diversity but a similarly high number of claims.


The heat map above shows social dimensions of ethnic diversity and universal credit benefit claims simultaneously. As the figure illustrates, the interplay of these two factors is far from simplistic. Dark red regions concentrated in cities represent areas with high ethnic diversity along with high numbers of universal credit claims. Dark blue regions, primarily around coastal regions and the north of the country have low ethnic diversity but a high numbers of claims. Light green regions, predominantly in the south of England, represent areas with both moderate diversity and universal credit claims. Data shows that high ethnic diversity along with low numbers of claims is widespread in the commuter belt around London.

Dylan Winn-Brown

Dylan Winn-Brown is a freelance web developer & Squarespace Expert based in the City of London.

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