
Delivering new clean energy

Project Story

Holtec employs over 2000 people and is the US’s largest exporter of capital nuclear components and its largest commercial decommissioning company. 

Holtec has been operating in the UK for more than two decades, including at all of EDF Energy’s UK plants. At a time when others were retreating from nuclear power, Holtec invested its own money in developing its highly safe and effective SMR-300 pressurised water reactor. They approached us to help with their Future Nuclear Enabling Fund submission and to support political engagement and reputation building.

The UK has set a target of 24 Gigawatts of nuclear capacity by 2050, which would cover up to a quarter of the country’s projected electricity demand. Small modular nuclear reactors will play a key role in that.

We used the HM Treasury Green Book and official appraisal guides to undertake an economic assessment of Holtec Britain’s SMR which formed the economic case of the Future Nuclear Enabling Fund submission. Holtec Britain was successful and awarded £30 million of grant funding from the UK government to complete the Generic Design Assessment of their SMR-300. 

Our public affairs and policy expertise have been used to develop the strategy and then undertake delivery of a multi-pronged campaign to ensure that Holtec is well positioned for the Great British Nuclear competition and into deployment in the UK.

We have also assisted in designing and running a competition to decide on the location for Holtec Britain’s new UK SMR factory which will create 400 high-paying jobs and add £100m a year to the local economy selected.


grant funding secured


locations shortlisted for Holtec’s factory


Regenerating a forgotten part of England


Taking advantage of the AI revolution